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In every field perfectly connected

Ilme is a globally recognized leader in the world of heavy duty, industrial connectors. Since 1938, Ilme manufacturers high quality and innovative connector solutions for industrial markets like machine building, automation, railway technology and wind energy. As a market oriented organisation, Ilme remains close to its end users. It is firmly committed to translating customer needs and market developments into successful connector series. Nowadays, many of these series are seen as thé industry standard.

Plastic T-type Hygienic for F&B industry

Ilme has expanded her new generation lightweight T-type series with a special Hygienic version. The T-type hygienic has especially been developed for the spray area within the food and beverage industry and complies with all stringent demands (DIN EN 1672-2) made in this field.

High-quality & economical plastic housing

Ilme's T-type Hygienic housing is made out of a special type of lightweight plastic that is corrosion and vibration resistant. The plastic housing ensures a high resistance to chemicals and therefore performs even better in some F&B environments than RVS housings. In situations where the use of specific materials is not a prerequisite, the plastic T-type Hygienic is the preferred solution because of its relatively low investment cost. 

For technical information download brochure

Ilme videos
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    Ontdek de...
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    Ilme goes...
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    The new...
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    Don't let...
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    Ilme JEI...
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    Count on...
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    A great...
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    Ilme C7...
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    The BIG...
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    NEW! the...
ILME AXYR®: inserts met hoge dichtheid voor elk poolaantal zonder tooling

De toenemende automatisering in de machinebouw zorgt ervoor dat er meer elektrische verbindingen nodig zijn. Tegelijkertijd hebben fabrikanten ook nood aan connector oplossingen die snel en gemakkelijk aan te sluiten zijn binnen een kleine ruimte. Fabrikant van rechthoekige connectoren ILME biedt met zijn nieuwe AXYR® inserts hiervoor een mooie oplossing. A&C Solutions is verdeler van ILME connectoren en ziet veel potentieel voor de AXYR®-inserts bij zijn klanten.

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